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Frequently Asked Questions
  • Can a member hold office in both the Auxiliary and Branch at the same time?
    Branches may by a By-law provide that members holding office in the Branch shall not hold office in the Ladies’ Auxiliary to the Branch simultaneously. You may hold office in one and serve on a committee in the other though. The office of Immediate Past President is considered an office (even though this is not an elected office) so if your Auxiliary Immediate Past President is also a member of the Branch, then she should NOT run for office in the Branch until such time as she is no longer the Immediate Past President. Our recommendation would be that a member should not hold office in both the Branch and Auxiliary at the same time.
  • Where is the name tag worn?
    The name tag is to be worn on the right side of the blazer above the medals. The name tag can also be worn on clothing other than the auxiliary uniform.
  • If a member lets her dues lapse, and in the meantime has divorced (if she joined under her partner’s number) can she re-join using their number?
    No, however, if a woman does not let her dues lapse after a divorce, and keeps paying her Auxiliary membership dues, then she continues her membership unchanged.
  • If a member wishes to transfer to another Auxiliary but has not paid her dues for the current and immediately preceding year, can she transfer?
    No. Only members in good standing may transfer, if she not a paid up member she is not in good standing.
  • Can a membership secretary approve membership applications?
    No, all applications for membership should be approved by the general membership.
  • Can the Honours & Awards Committee decide who should receive awards?
    No, this committee has NO power to approve or disapprove an application. The committee can only present their recommendations to the general membership. The general membership then votes on the applications.
  • Do all Auxiliaries across Canada have the same membership rules as Alberta-NWT Command?
    No, so care must be taken when accepting transfers from other provinces. You must ascertain what type of membership the lady transferring to your Auxiliary qualifies for under our rules. You must send a copy of her transfer form and her application form (if she has one) to Command office.
  • If I belong to both the Auxiliary and the Branch, can I wear my Auxiliary medals on my Branch uniform?
    Yes, it was passed by Dominion Command in 1998, that Medals awarded by the Ladies’ Auxiliary may be worn on their Legion Uniform, after all Legion awards. The rule of only wearing seven (7) medals still applies.
  • Is a Life Member given a permanent card when she is presented with her Life Membership?
    Yes, however, if this card is lost or stolen it can be replaced by contacting the AB-NWT Command Office and a replacement card will be sent out.
  • Can new members be initiated on election night?
    No. There should not be any initiations on election night.
  • If a member of our Auxiliary conducts our elections, is she eligible to vote?
    If an Auxiliary member (usually a Past President) conducts your elections she may also vote.
  • If a member of our Auxiliary conducts our elections, can she run for office?
    If she wishes to run for office, then she must vacate the chair when the office she is running for is being voted on. PLEASE REMEMBER - IT IS COURTESY TO ASK YOUR BRANCH PRESIDENT TO CONDUCT YOUR ELECTIONS.
  • Now that nieces are eligible to join as Ordinary Members, does this mean that a married lady can join under the husband’s uncle or aunt?
    No, she must be a blood niece of the aunt or uncle whose number she is joining under.
  • Can you get a year pin for consecutive service, even if you had belonged to another Auxiliary?
    Yes, if your Auxiliary agrees.
  • Can Affiliate members hold office?
    Voting Affiliates can nominate, vote and hold office.
  • May a chaplain wear the chaplain’s stole?
    As chaplain she may wear the chaplain’s stole when she is performing the duties as the Ladies’ Auxiliary Chaplain.
  • Is it proper for the Immediate Past President to run for the position of Vice President, if another member is willing to stand for the position?
    As Immediate Past President she already has a position on the Executive and should not run. In small rural Auxiliaries a member often has to wear two hats, but in a large Auxiliary this is a sure way to kill the Auxiliary.
  • When a member has served in numerous offices and has more bars than can fit on her Past Officer medal, are they permitted to wear two (2) Past Officer Medals?
    No, she will have to pick the bars most important to her.
  • A long time member becomes ill or infirm and is unable to look after her affairs and the family lets her dues lapse; then she passes away and the family requests an Honour Guard at her funeral - SHOULD the Auxiliary honor the request?
    The answer should be no, BUT use compassion. A long time member, active when well, could deserve an Honour Guard. Possibly her family didn’t know the dues needed to be paid - but obviously they knew the Auxiliary was an important part of their mother’s life or they wouldn’t be making the request.
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