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The Ladies Auxiliary is an organization of women formed to assist in the aims and objects of the Royal Canadian Legion in seeing to the maintenance and comfort of the disabled, sick, aged, needy ex-service personnel and their dependants.


Applications for Membership

All eligible women wishing to make application for membership shall apply to the Auxiliary of their choice. Applications for membership shall be in writing, in duplicate, upon the forms supplied for that purpose; and shall be signed by the applicant who must give in detail the particulars therein set forth.

Every applicant must be proposed by two voting Members in good standing and her membership must be recommended after proper investigation. Her application shall then go before a General meeting for acceptance or rejection. One copy of application form to be kept on Auxiliary file and one copy sent to Command office.

New members must be initiated by the Auxiliary as soon as possible after they have been accepted for membership. The Ladies Auxiliary Executive Committee are given the authority to approve applications for membership when regular monthly General Meetings of the Ladies Auxiliary are not held.

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